This function basically split a string by delimiter "." and can fetch any of section of the string by position number (count starting from write hand side ).
For real life implementation we can have delimiter like "," or "|" in that case just replace those by "." first then you can use this function easily.
Sample code:
Declare @ObjectName nVarChar(1000)
Set @ObjectName = 'HeadOfficeSQL1.Northwind.dbo.Authors'
PARSENAME(@ObjectName, 4) as Server,
PARSENAME(@ObjectName, 3) as DB,
PARSENAME(@ObjectName, 2) as Owner,
PARSENAME(@ObjectName, 1) as Object,
Server DB Owner Object (No column name)
HeadOfficeSQL1 Northwind dbo Authors dd
This function basically split a string by delimiter "." and can fetch any of section of the string by position number (count starting from write hand side ).
For real life implementation we can have delimiter like "," or "|" in that case just replace those by "." first then you can use this function easily.
Sample code:
Declare @ObjectName nVarChar(1000)
Set @ObjectName = 'HeadOfficeSQL1.Northwind.dbo.Authors'
PARSENAME(@ObjectName, 4) as Server,
PARSENAME(@ObjectName, 3) as DB,
PARSENAME(@ObjectName, 2) as Owner,
PARSENAME(@ObjectName, 1) as Object,
Server DB Owner Object (No column name)
HeadOfficeSQL1 Northwind dbo Authors dd
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